Thursday, January 26, 2017

Dr Pranjal Shamsher speaks about, THE MENOPAUSAL PIGMENTATION

Although ageing process plays a role in skin changes, the hormonal shifts of menopause hastens the appearance of pigmentation. One such pigmentation usually affects the face and is called Melasma. Melasma is caused by over-activity of the melanocytes which secrete excess melanin. The excess melanin gets deposited in the outer layer of the skin causing butterfly shaped pigmentation on the face. Though the excess melanin can be removed from the surface, the overactive melanocytes secrete it again making the patch reappear. This becomes a never-ending cycle. To treat Melasma one needs to thus stabilize the overactive melanocytes than merely keep peeling the skin from the surface.

Dr. Pranjal Shamsher is a Multi-Therapy Consultant & a pioneer in skin friendly treatments. She can be contacted at Dr. Health Clinics on 42067474 - 75 or 23568290 - 91. To read her articles log on to -